Is there an easy way to ‘Clean Health Claims’?? Yes!!

Ask 10 people if they know where to get information on buying a new car and probably 9 of them would say ‘Yes!!’. But if you were to ask the same 10 on help with an easy way to ‘clean claims’, I bet only a rare few would know.

Today it is not unusual for some claims to be denied. And this isn’t due to a few smudges and spilled coffee stains. In fact 30% of these claims are rejected due to misspellings and illegible handwriting. After all, Reji Girish on Jainagar Lane is not the same person as Reggie Gireesh of Jayanagar Lane.

And often people never resubmit their denied claims, because they just can’t find the missing lab report from the pile of dusty files. Or because they can’t find time to go get a torn shabby bill replaced by a new one!!

But there’s something your doctor could do to help you through! Shocking is it?? Well Electronic Medical Records (EMR), just might be the faster and easier way to ‘clean claims’.


Practo is on a mission to make quality healthcare affordable and accessible for over a billion+ Indians. India’s leading integrated healthcare company it connects the entire healthcare ecosystem together – including patients, doctors, surgeons, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, and diagnostics – to generate exceptional value and service for all, especially the end consumers.

As technology becomes an integral part of healthcare, Practo has also become an essential enabler in helping doctors understand the nuances of managing and securely storing all health data. Practo encrypts all data with 256-bit encryption, uses HIPAA-compliant data centers, and is one of the few healthcare companies to be ISO 27001 certified. Practo is present in 20+ countries, helping over 30 crore patients, by connecting them with 1 lakh+ verified doctor partners.

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